Name: Jillian Age: 18 Hair Colour: It has now changed to red and blond. Before it was red and black. I once was a brunette. Long, long ago.
Pets: Dogs (Koko and Meka) If I was a superhero, I would be: Phoenix (the Jean Grey version, not the Rachel Summers version) If I was a supervillain, I would be: Catwoman Favorite TV Show: The West Wing (every Wednesday night), MacGyver (science, suspense all rolled in one) and of course Remington Steele (you can tell that Brosnan would be a great Bond from this show) Favorite Color: Purple and Blue Favorite Actor: Sean Connery, Tom Hanks, Anthony Hopkins and Mel Gibson Favorite Actress: Julia Roberts and Meg Ryan Favorite Movies: Finding Forrester, Braveheart and Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.
Favorite Book: Lady of the Forest by Jennifer Roberson, The Hobbit & Lord of the Rings Triology by J.R.R. Tolkien, A Song of Ice and Fire Series by George R.R. Martin and Memoirs of Cleopatra by Margaret George.
Favorite Non-Alcoholic Beverage: Pepsi Piercings: 4 in each ear.
Tattoos: Not yet. But my 19th birthday, Favorite Number: 7 What you're going as next Halloween: No idea, I'd like to be an X-men character - Jean Grey, Rogue or Storm. Foods: Italian Favorite Day of the Week: Saturday (relaxing and free) Phrase or Word: "In a free society, you don't need a reason to make something legal. You need a reason to make it illegal"
Sesame Street Character: Elmo and Groucho, the rest were so boring Secret Obsessions: I have a new obsession every week. Comments? Questions? Broken links? Things to add? Send them to me! |